Vegan Options in Blount County

Looking for vegan options in Blount County, East Tennessee? You are in the right place.  Check out our list of restaurants in Blount County who offer vegan options on their menus. 

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Vegan Blount County can help! We guide you through the process and make it easy to serve 2 or more Vegan Menu Choices.


Vegan Menu Choices Featured Restaurant

Southland Cafe winner of Best Vegan Sandwich in the Vegan Chef Challenge.

Southland Cafe

Southland Cafe offers fantastic vegan options in Blount County.

So it is no surprise that chef Catherine Frye rocked the Vegan Chef Challenge. Congratulations!

Check out the Blount County Vegan Community Facebook page for more community recommendations.

Popular Vegan Menu Choices:

  1. Wraps
  2. Paninis
  3. Coffees–Hot and Iced